Lots has happened that I feel the need to document so i don't forget it later. I am just going to list them to avoid the previous writer problem.
- Teeth - Oliver now has six teeth. Four on top and two on bottom. He got the bottom two first and at the exact same time when he was 8 months old. I remember right before we went on the cruise in January he sprouted the little suckers. Then he got three at the same time on top. The left middle one, the left incisor and the right incisor. For some reason the right middle one (also called an incisor, I just looked it up) got skipped at first. Not long after those three erupted the right middle came along too. Those top three happened when he was ten months old. Also, they are crooked.
- Crawling - Oliver has started crawling at 11 months old. The first day he crawled on his own was April 13th 2013. He was home with daddy while I was at Aunt Priya's wedding shower. After that he can't be stopped. He doesn't crawl in the traditional way but sticks his leg out like a kick stand.
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Eating a Bean |
- Food - Oliver is eating all sorts of things now. He still eats some of the pureed stuff but mostly as a way to get veggies in him without him choking. He loves starches and is all about pasta, rice, breads, tortillas, and any kind of baked goods. He loves beans especially black beans and kidney beans. For a while he was eating so many kidney beans that we started calling them Bugga Beans. He has backed off those a bit however. He hates yogurt, which is strange because he loved it for a week and then changed his mind. Any kind of food he doesn't like he gets angry at and tries to hit off of his tray. It is quite amusing. He loves fruit, Easan calls him his little fruit bat cause he downs bananas and grapes so enthusiastically. I make fruit purees for him to mix with cereal of just eat plain. Also, peas for some reason peas are a winner. When he won't eat any other veggie you can always fall back on peas. I have started mixing spinach in with the pea puree to get some more nutrients and he digs that too.
- Hair - still not much hair, but the stuff he does have is getting longer. He gets awesome little curly wings on the sides and sometimes the top curls up too.
- Talking - He is doing lots of talking. Not much of it is very understandable but I feel like he converses a lot in his own way. We are pretty sure his first word was Duck, he started saying that about 8 months. He also says "vroom" when playing with cars, he knows that dogs say "oof oof oof" and cats make a high pitch squealing noise. When he drops something he says "UH OH!" and he also likes to point at things and say "whats that?" Except it sounds more like "uts dat?" The question is more rhetorical than actual I think. He of course can say Dada and Mama. Other than those words there is lots of chatter that is not distinguishable yet. He will respond when you ask him stuff and he is loving to exercise his vocal cords with a lot of screeching. One of the games he thinks is absolutely hilarious is the back and forth mimic game. He will make a little high pitched squeak then you copy it, he laughs then does it again. This can go on for a good long time and sometimes devolves into tickling and raspberry blowing on the belly.
Those are some of the major updates that I have happened in the last few months. I feel less anxious now that they are recorded. My head is a bad place for these precious memories...
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