Friday, April 26, 2013

Oliver the Night Owl

   Ever since Oliver has become mobile there have been some funny night time happenings. Before when he would wake up in the middle of the night he would just lay there and cry until attended to. Now he actually gets up and plays around in his crib. Often he doesn't make much noise so sometimes I wonder how long he was awake before I noticed. I guess if he is happy then it isn't really a problem. He hasn't quite figured out that he can just lay back down and go to sleep without my help yet, hopefully that happens soon.
    The other night after we put Oliver down for his regular bed time at 7pm, I went to visit my friend. While I was gone and Easan was watching him, Oliver stayed awake for another hour and a half playing in his crib. Crawling around the crib, clapping his hands, laughing at stuff, shaking the bars of the crib, snuggling his blanket. We can see all of this on the video monitor. The camera for the monitor is attached to the top rail of the crib with zip ties. Then something adorable happened. Easan got it all on tape:

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. Just wait until he figures how to climb out!
